Please note: Quota pricing may change during the season. Please confirm with our office.

Quota for lease (last updated  8.08.2024)

NumberTypeAmount availablePrice per kg 
QL1RTEAny amount$0.20 per kg + GST
QL2OSAny amount$0.45 per kg + GST
QL3CT  $5.00 per kg  + GST 
QL4Spanner Crab 

$3.75  per kg + GST

QL5EC1 $2.00 per kg + GST
QL6BM2 *** Leased out $1.00 per kg + GST
QL7BM3 $1.00 per kg  + GST
QL8BM4 Any Amount $1.00 per kg + GST
QL9BM5 $1.00  per kg + GST
QL10KT2*** Leased ***$1.00 per kg + GST
QL11KT3***  Leased ***$1.00  per kg + GST
QL12KT4 $1.00 per kg + GST
QL13KT5*** Leased out ***$1.00 per kg + GST
QL14GM2  $1.00 per kg + GST
QL15GM3 $1.00 per kg + GST
QL16GM4 $1.00 per kg + GST
QL17GM5 $1.00 per kg + GST

$1.00  Plus  GST 

QL20Torres Straight Nights 
$70.00 per night + GST 

All amounts are leased per kg and sold per Unit.
All costs will have GST added to total.
Should you require something not on our current list, please do not hesitate to contact us as we may know of something coming to the market for sale.

Quota for sale (last updated   (1.12.2024)

NumberTypeAmount availablePrice
QS1East Coast Trawl Units2000 units to sell$30.00 per unit plus GST
QS2Client has  EC1 quota sale 10,000 kg $36.00 per kg plus GST
QS3 Clent looking to purchase Spanner Crab quota any amount $44.00 per kg.
QS4EC1 quota for sale5000kg  unused$60.00 per  GST
QS5Trawl East Coast for sale *** Sold ***1600 T1 Effort units$13.00 per unit plus GST
QS6Trawl East Coast for sale3,000 units to sell$25.00 per unit plus GST
QS7Client has EC1 quota for sale 1200 kg unused $45.00 per kg plus GST

 OS units for sale 

** All OS quota has been sold **

10,000 units  

Will split 

$4.50 per unit plus GST
QS9CT quota for sale800 units ** Sold **$35.00 per unit nil GST
QS10SM quota for sale   *** Sold ***1450 Kg $8.25 per Kg plus GST
QS11RTE quota for sale*** Sold ***2500 Kg$0.30 per Kg plus GST
QS12SM quota for sale *** Sold ***1000 units$8.00 per unit plus GST